• UCLA Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program

  • UCLA Psychiatry Residency Program

  • David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Doctor of Medicine

  • University of Texas at Austin Neuroscience Department, Neuroscience PhD Student

  • University of Texas at Austin, B.S., Magna Cum Lade


  • Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry

  • Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

  • California Medical License

  • DEA License


  • UCLA Department of Neurology, Examined gene expression in peri-infarct tissue following stroke in animal models.

  • University of Texas at Austin Department of Neuroscience, Investigated neural plasticity after brain damage by examining cortical changes that occur with skilled limb training in rats after stroke-like injury.


(Maiden name is Luke)

  • Carmichael ST, Archibeque I, Luke LM, Nolan T, Momiy J. “Growth-associated gene expression after stroke: evidence for a growth-promoting region in peri-infarct cortex.” Experimental Neurology. 2005 Jun;193(2):291-311.
  • Luke LM, Carmichael ST. “The role of upregulation of inhibitory molecules in peri-infarct tissue in axonal sprouting in male rat cortex.” Poster Session. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA. 2004.
  • Luke LM, Allred RA, Jones TA. “Unilateral ischemic sensorimotor cortical damage induces contralesional synaptogenesis and enhances skilled reaching with the ipsilateral forelimb in adult male rats.” Synapse. 2004 Dec 15;54(4):187-99.
  • Luke LM, Jones TA. “Unilateral ischemic sensorimotor cortical damage induces contralesional synaptogenesis and enhances skilled reaching with the ipsilateral forelimb in adult male rats.” Poster Session. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2003.
  • Luke LM, Jones TA. “Unilateral ischemic sensorimotor cortical damage induces contralesional synaptogenesis and enhances skilled reaching with the ipsilateral forelimb in adult male rats.” Oral presentation. Graduate Student Forum. Austin, TX, April 2003
  • Jones TA, Bury SD, Adkins-Muir DL, Luke LM. “Importance of behavioral manipulations and measures in rat models of brain damage and brain repair.” ILAR J. 2003;44(2):144-52.
  • Luke LM, Jones TA. “Cortical damage and synaptogenesis: a role for electron microscopy.” Oral presentation. Young Scientists Graduate Fair. Austin, TX. June, 2002